It has long been a desire of customers as well as the designer to develop a chair with armrests in the Letters Series, and this without compromising on the design language of the X-Chair.
Recreating the lightness of X-Chair while being true to the visual design is a great challenge. Many lines have been put on paper, sketches drawn and prototypes produced before we were satisfied. So much the more proud we are saying that we believe we succeeded fully with the new design.

F-Chair can be ordered in the same types of wood and color combinations as X-Chair, but be patient. We have only just started producing for stock. In the meantime, pre-orders can be made, with an expected delivery time of 6-8 weeks.

F-Chair will be officially launched for the BOLIG-MAD-DESIGN fair October 22-24’th 2021 in Copenhagen in Forum.

F-Chair by Blinkenberg CPH